Pursuing your education seems so natural to many, especially those who have gone on to college or trade school and have received varying degrees. But to many continuing education after high school or even staying in high school to finish can be both overwhelming and intimidating.
Every day many of us have to fight for opportunities. Opportunities to be seen, opportunities to be heard, and opportunities to be taken seriously, and opportunities to change the environment/situations that we are in. We fight for opportunities to increase our standards of living, opportunities to use our God-given gifts and talents and for opportunities to surround ourselves with positive influences.
Yet as we fight for these opportunities and more, we understand that education makes the fight less difficult and hopeless; because education gives you skills and abilities that opens you up to experiences that may not have been afforded to you otherwise. It provides you with a sense of freedom and the satisfaction of knowing that you have options in life. Education allows you the ability to change what has been normal in your lives to something that is exciting and creative. Be Inspired to continue your education past high school and seize the opportunity to become all that you’ve always dreamed that you could. Ain’t no stopping you now. If you have been putting off your educational pursuits, it’s time to get energized and Just do it. There is a great big world waiting for you to explore.