The Interview

This is a fresh new talk show created to inform and educate everyone who tunes in, on topics meant to INSPIRE you to become all that you have been created to be. This show will equip men and women with tools to create possibilities, and live their lives to the fullest. Our goal is to inform, educate and inspire you to achieve greatness. The show is inspirational yet practical. We want you to increase your level of expectation and realize that you can do whatever you put your heart and mind to. This show is for everyone, the young and young at heart. We promise to bring you topics that are fresh, uplifting, and relevant and will invite stimulating guests to help us in this assignment.

The “Be Inspired Show” is a reflection of its hosts and guests; the vibrant colors and upbeat soundtrack match the Patton’s’ personalities and spirited interaction. The focus on inspiration reflects the Patton’s’ mission and passion for people to be blessed and to know the love of God. The Patton’s plan to interview many different guests and will ask questions that their audience wants to know. The answers to these questions will inspire them to do something and be great.

We are looking forward to many informative episodes to INSPIRE the viewers to realize their potential by the information that we share so they can begin now to make changes for the better.

The program is recorded in the studio of Kingdom Life Christian Cathedral, South Bend, Indiana

One thought on “The Interview

  • September 1, 2016 at 10:01 am

    Extremely user pleasant website. Huge information available on couple of clicks

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